Thursday, November 8, 2007

you know the shape my breath will take before I let it out

There's this myth out there that alcohol makes writers more creative. It's one of the oldest myths about writers (and any other creative artist types) that there is, I think.

I don't usually drink much, in quantity or frequency. I have a family history of alcoholism and I am terrified of going down that road. But every now and then I decide maybe I'd like to drink a bit, and it doesn't make me creative at all. It makes me bliss out for a bit, which is really good, but I don't produce anything of value during that time. It seems that pain and anguish is actually more often what really what leads to creativity for me, which is almost as much of a cliche as alcohol and drug use for writers. But even that is not consistent or reliable.

But in truth I really haven't found the answer yet, for what will give me instant creativity right when I need it. I hope I can find it soon - I keep looking for it.


Unknown said...

I find that a glass of wine makes me really creative for a fifteen-minute window. Then I fall asleep, or have another glass and end up looking up old friends on Facebook all night.

Either way, it doesn't seem to do much for my productivity!

Holly said...

The same thing happens to me. The balance between alert and productive, and completely unfocused and wasting time, is so precarious as it is for me. It's that much worse if I try to drink.

Ultimately I think the real key to improving my productivity and inspiration is self-discipline rather than anything magical. I am discovering that self-discipline is apparently what I am lacking in *a lot* of aspects of my life, so clearly that is the trait I need to cultivate!